Monday, January 12, 2009

Ready for a shocker?!? I like ANOTHER boy! Crazy right. My newest squeeze is named Brett. Okay, not really new anymore. I met Brett in early October I believe, but didn't really develop a crush on him til sometime in November. Here's the (hopefully) short version of the story:

Brett is my neighbor, his apartment is right across the hall. So we met just by being neighbors. We became friends, but not too close or anything. One night a few days after Halloween they have a little party at their place, and we (me, megan, and keri) are all invited. That's when I noticed just how cute Brett is! I think before that I had been in a Seth trance. So then we finally started hanging out alone.

This is were trouble comes in. I know he likes me... but he is a little unmotivated. We've been "hanging out" for like 2 months. Problem is in 2 months we've hung out ohh maybe... 6 times? If even. Atleast 2 of those times were when we were having people over at our place too. He just always seems to say thinsg like "im so tired, I gotta get to bed early." which is fine... but BORING! Or he gets "held up" places, which i find kind of sketchy... I dont know if I trust him 100%. Just gotta wait and see. He did ask me to hang out tonight, so yay! I really do like him! For me to hold on to a crush for 2 months... that's huge.