Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Shay's Friend Refrence Guide

I realized I talk about a lot of my friends without giving much description of them so I will do that now. In alphabetical order. This will probably be a long list, with updates when necessary.

Al (25)- My neighbor in my apartment sophomore year of college, had a major crush on me, and we used to drink about 5 nights a week. It seems like he is always getting in trouble with the law!!

(22)- Another creepster neighbor I had sophomore year. He would confess his love for me through angry drunken text messages. Wonderful neighbors I had.

(20)- My roommate sophomore year of college. Not the best roommate I have ever had. She is fun to party with, but doesn't pay her rent and borrows whatever the hell she feels like borrowing from me. I've seen her do coke at parties, so that's probably where she blows the money she should be spending on rent.

Brigit (20)- A friend from high school. She sends the most random pointless texts ever, and is what I consider the comic relief in my life story! Just think you're stereotypical "dumb blond"

(22)- A close friend of mine from high school. We used to be really really close, together all the time, but have recently started growing apart, although we are still friends at the end of the day. He is very overprotective of me, and doesn't approve of Seth, although he has never met him.

(24)- My sister. She's 24 and now that we are getting older we are getting closer. She is recently engaged and getting married in June 2009.

Joel (20)- He was my first real serious boyfriend, when I was in 10th grade. We dated for over a year, and he was absolutely my first love. I still care about him a lot, and we talk all the time. He lives out of state though. My mom still believes I will end up with him one day. He talks about our marriage plans too. Hah.

(20)- Close friend from high school. Last spring break he came out to me, even though we all had it figured out already. But I was glad he felt he trusted me enough to be the first one he told. He's notorious for being hard to get a hold of and randomly disappearing all the time. His house is much like Eric Foreman's basement for us.

Kat (20)- My best friend. We met in 4th grade when she moved in 3 houses away from me, and we are still best friends. In the ten years we have been friends, we have never even been in a fight. She goes to a college that is only about 15 minutes away from the one I go to, so I get to see her a lot, thank god.

Keri (20)- Another close friend of mine who lived on the same street as me growing up. We go to the same college, and she's one of my current roommates. LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!!

Marie (21)- Another very close friend of mine from high school. She has an apartment in my hometown, so I really only see her when I'm staying at my parents. She is insane, in a good way.

Mason (21)- The guy I dated on and off all of Freshman year of college. We were extremely close though while dating, he was my first and best friend at college at the time. We just get each other. Now we are just friends, and we don't see each other that often. There is still some sexual tension in the friendship and we always end up hooking up again.

(20)- My other roommate. She's alright. I wish she would hang out with me and Keri more though.

Ray (21)-another friend from back home, a lot of people think he's kind of shy, but he's not around me and he and I are very close.

(25)- My current on/off kinda ex-boyfriend. Confused? ha. We met in late January 2008, and had our first date the day after we met. I met him at college, although he's 25 and graduated in 2007. He lives permanently in my college town.

Wade (20)- We dated for 2 years in high school, and even decided to go to college together. Then we broke up at the beginning of college. We got back together for a while spring semester of freshman year, but it just doesn't work between us. He now lives across the street from me, and we hang out a couple of times a week. He's one of my closest friends, and a person I can really trust and confide in.

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